Thursday, February 3, 2011

Old Quarterly

Brooke Manning says:

"The next issue of OLD Q U A R T E R L Y is now available!
This issue's theme is VISION and it includes three little books with pullouts, colour pages, and nifty vellum printed covers all in a pretty package for 15 dollars plus shipping. You can order it here: OLDQUARTERLY. (Remember, there are only 50 issues available). Thanks a bundle!"

I say:

"I'm very excited for you all to see and read this issue of Old. There are three covers for this issue, one being a multiple exposure shot I took to experiment in how to make someone's face into one of a ghost. I hope you all follow the link above to pick up a copy. Also, I'm sure they'll be some sort of launch, so I'll keep you all in the know."

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