Monday, February 14, 2011

Tim in colour

Tim took the time away from his curent vow of social suicide to let me enjoy a morning with him and his lovely cat. Living in the most fanstic room in the most fantastic house, I had a no trouble framing these two in bright textures. I am certainly fond of the detailed texture of the beard. Black and Whites soon.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Michael Raymond Clarke

Michael Clarke has a beautiful studio, mothers his plants and can't stand up in his own bedroom.
Colour photos soon.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My life is hard.

 My last two models were so good that I can't choose which pictures I'm going to put up. Ha.

Claire Bear.

Claire Bear and Ruby, the second greatest dog of all time.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

James in expired film.

With film older than the subject, you never quite know what you're working with.
This was a lovely surprise.

Pat in colour.

I couldn't wait.
Les Frauleins Asleep at breakfast.

Pat, colourless.

I've never captured anyone's true person as well as I've captured Pat's in this photo set. 
Colour to come. Words to follow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The new home of "My Own Models"

As some of you might know, I've been operating two separate blogs for a long while now. My other blog My Own Models, my painting blog, has been hard to keep updated as I haven't been documenting my shows or work as closely. In an attempt to bring my interest in painting back and to gain new perspectives and feedback, I'm going to make this blog one big creative melting pot. My main focus these days has really been photography and I told myself after my last show at Grateful Head that I would take a breather from painting and think about where I really wanted my style to go. I'm feeling ready to share my time with painting again, and I'm also feeling excited about what I'm doing musically and creatively outside of photography specifically. I'm not looking for this blog to become something to house feelings or to become too much of a diary, but more of a broad showcase for some of the things I'm proud of in myself and a way to link you to what I'm proud of in others.
Next in the world of photo I'll have new shots of Claire, Tim and (hopefully) some new friends. Painting wise I'm focusing on photographing and archiving my work in order to sell and show the pieces I have.
Thanks to everyone who have been following both.
I'm excited to share more with you.
-Jesse Crowe.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Old Quarterly

Brooke Manning says:

"The next issue of OLD Q U A R T E R L Y is now available!
This issue's theme is VISION and it includes three little books with pullouts, colour pages, and nifty vellum printed covers all in a pretty package for 15 dollars plus shipping. You can order it here: OLDQUARTERLY. (Remember, there are only 50 issues available). Thanks a bundle!"

I say:

"I'm very excited for you all to see and read this issue of Old. There are three covers for this issue, one being a multiple exposure shot I took to experiment in how to make someone's face into one of a ghost. I hope you all follow the link above to pick up a copy. Also, I'm sure they'll be some sort of launch, so I'll keep you all in the know."

Kalan & Hail Media.

I shot my good friend Kalan for his new media blog, Hail Media. We set up with one light in Pat's house and shot one roll of 35. We wanted to keep things soft and friendly with a bit of that 70's colouring. Everyone should click that link and check out Kalan's new work. <3